What's really hurtful is how many times it happens, even in our own country! (Remember, the very first person to die for these United States was a free black man named Crispus Attucks, and we definitely have earned a right, through blood and toil, to have claims on how this nation was built. We literally built the White House).
I was on a business trip to Norway and when I got to immigration, the agent smiled at me after the introductory questions and barely a glance at my passport and told me, "Welcome to Noorway!" I was pleasantly astonished.
Contrast that to me driving across the border from Canada back into the US. The border patrol agent was super-friendly to the Canadians coming across the border to shop who were directly in front of me, but when it was my turn, an American, of partial, documented Native American ancestry, born in Washington, DC no less, they of course insisted on a full-inspection of my car. I even asked the inspecting agent- "Why is it that the only place I'm treated like a third class citizen is my own country?" He didn't have a productive answer.