I agree with your review and your rating. I thought it was entertaining but far from accurate, historically. I also found it leaned a bit too much into gore porn, but I confess that having seen the real life case of a woman mopping up her son's blood off her front porch after he'd been stabbed to death as a kid, I neither glorify nor enjoy the depiction of blood in film or games.
Maybe it's the documentary buff in me, but there was so much interesting historical context that was missing from the film. The entire Russian campaign is almost worth a film unto itself. My wife was fascinated by his behaviour and personality ticks. She suggested that if Joaquim Phoenix's portrayal was accurate, that she thought Napoleon might have been a high-functioning autistic.
It wasn't at all a bad $40 spent, but I do suspect many will leave the theater and very soon after seek out more information on some of the details left on the cutting floor.