First of all, I agree with the premise of your article. Tropes are boring and not helpful for anyone, and there's definitely a super-woman trope associated with black women.
I can also definitely get onboard with you regarding "For Your Eyes Only" making an impact on a kid; it did for me as well, but for different reasons. Let's just say that the 14 year-old boy who saw that movie temporarily developed an interest in dark-haired Meditterranean-looking women (for not necessarily altruistic reasons) and for the longest time the Lotus Esprit was my favorite car (also not for altruistic reasons :-) ).
I confess I haven't seen the movie yet so I can't remark on the specific comparison between how one woman is allowed to show vulnerability and the other is not, other than to take you at your word (which I do). I do have a basic question though: isn't the James Bond franchise in general about being super-human? I mean no matter what happens during a Bond movie, no matter how creative the torture or how inescapable the prison, in the end you know in the end Bond is going to end up dressed in a suit tailored on Saville Row and all will be "right" with the world.