Everybody gets old. Women are penalized exponentially more for it. Emilia is gorgeous and anyone who is critical of her natural aging either has a double standard about themselves or simply hasn’t aged yet themselves.
Trying to fight the way of nature, in my early 40s I ramped up my workouts exponentially, running 5 miles a day at the hottest time of the day, running bleachers with a 40 pound weight vest, and participating in multiple 100+ mile bike rides, just because. While it did help me land my smoking hot wife, all that extra wear and tear on my body made a future appointment for a hip replacement by 46.
As of now anyway, father time is undefeated. That may change by the time my kids are adults; there have been several breakthroughs with regards to aging research and cell division recently. But even if those come to commercial fruition, it brings up an important point: if we extend our time in this world, are we denying ourselves potentially unimaginable happiness in the next?