And now ladies and gentleman, kindly observe the pivot

Sean Hoffman
3 min readNov 15, 2022

With the mid-term elections going mostly in the direction of democracy, it will be fascinating to watch how many politicians and pundits who previously rode the pathological liar bandwagon jump ship as it certainly appears as though it’s sinking. Now before you take offense with my labeling the former president a pathological liar, please take note of the following statistic. In the lawsuits filed against the 2020 election results, the last count I saw had Trump at 1–62, with many of those losses occurring in courts that had judges that had been appointed by Trump. In other words, in courts of law, where actual evidence must be legally presented to back up the torrent of bombastic claims, Trump has a winning percentage of 1.6 percent. So every time you hear him or some other election denier propagating that falsehood, they’re lying, they know they’re lying, and the types of lies they’re telling are destructive to the Democracy that my father, grandfather, and other ancestors fought for. My father was an Airborne Vietnam Vet who thankfully made it through the conflict, but lived the last few years of his life with a body riddled with various recurring cancers. He swore to me many times that his body was never the same after he came back from Vietnam. I believe him- may he RIP.

Here’s what 1–62 in court looks like graphically, courtesy of USA Today:



Sean Hoffman

Software Developer (C++, C#, Go, others), Husband, Father. I eat fried potatoes annually on July 14th.